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Data Product Description – Rel. 3

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Data Format

Each data file contains an entire month of global fields of the parameters described below. The data files are available in either binary or NetCDF format which can be read using software provided when ordering link to external site data. Additionally, the NetCDF data are available through OPeNDAP. Data files are named according to the following convention:

srb_relN.n_WWWWwave_RRRRR_yyyymm.fileformat, where:
srb-Project name, Surface Radiation Budget
relN.n-Release number for these data (e.g. N=3, n=0 --> Release 3.0)
WWWWwave-Name of the algorithm used to generated the data parameters,
(e.g. Longwave or Shortwave)
RRRRR-Time resolution of the data file,
(e.g. RRRRR = "3hrly" for instantaneous values every 3-hours, "daily" for daily averages, or "monthly" for monthly averages.)
yyyy-4-digit year
mm-2-digit month
fileformat-binary or nc

Data Products

Jump to: [Shortwave] [Langley Parameterized] [Ancillary]
Data File (Temporal Coverage) Parameters available by ordering
respective data file names indicated in bold.)
Parameter Temporal Resolution
Primary Algorithms
SRB_REL3.1_LW_3HRLY_NC (07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)
Day/Night flag
(Day=1, Night=0)
3 hourly
(07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)
A detailed description of data (and data format) contained in these files is available in the readme file associated with each data file.

Additional parameters can be calculated using data contained in these files.

Upward Clear-sky Longwave Radiative Flux at Top-of-Atmosphere (W/m2) (1) 3 hourly
(2) Daily averages
(3) Monthly averages
(4) 3 hourly/monthly
Upward Clear-sky Longwave Radiative Flux at Earth’s Surface (W/m2)
Downward Clear-sky Longwave Radiative Flux at Earth’s Surface (W/m2)
Upward All-sky Longwave Radiative Flux at Top-of-Atmosphere (W/m2)
Upward All-sky Longwave Radiative Flux at Earth’s Surface (W/m2)
Downward All-sky Longwave Radiative Flux at Earth’s Surface (W/m2)
(07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)

These data are provided to enable users to compute fluxes using any algorithms (including the one used in our work), if they so desire.

A detailed description of data (and data format) contained in these files is available in the readme file associated with the data file.

Forty-seven Parameters:
1. GLW Skin Temperature (K)
2. GEOS Skin Temperature (K)
3. ISCCP Skin Temperature (K)
4. Precipitable Water (g/cm2)
5. Snow/Ice Percentage (%)
6. Day/Night flag
(daynite; 1=Day, 0=Night)
7. Total Cloud Fraction
8. Total Cloud Top Pressure (hPa)
9. Total Cloud Top Temperature (K)
10. Total Cloud Optical Depth
11. Surface Pressure (hPa)
12. Total Column Ozone
13-17. Cloud Fraction for 5
cloud types
18-22. Cloud Visible Optical
Depth for 5 cloud types
23-27. Cloud particle size for 5
cloud types (droplet radius
for water clouds; effective
diameter for ice clouds)
28-32. Cloud Top Temperature for 5
cloud types
33-37. Cloud Top Pressure for 5
cloud types
38-42. Cloud Base Pressure for 5
cloud types
43-47. Cloud Water or Ice Content
for 5 cloud types
3 hourly
(07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)
A detailed description of data (and data format) contained in these files is available in the readme file associated with each data file.

Additional parameters can be calculated using data contained in these files.

All Sky Top of Atmosphere Downward Shortwave Flux (W/m2) (1) 3 hourly
(2) Daily averages
(3) Monthly averages
(4) 3
All Sky Top of Atmosphere Upward Shortwave Flux (W/m2)
All Sky Surface Downward Shortwave Flux (W/m2)
All Sky Surface Upward Shortwave Flux (W/m2)
Clear Sky Top of Atmosphere Upward Shortwave Flux (W/m2)
Clear Sky Surface Downward Shortwave Flux (W/m2)
Clear Sky Surface Upward Shortwave Flux (W/m2)
All Sky Global Photosynthetically Active Radiation Flux (W/m2)
Cloud Fraction (Dimensionless)
Cosine Solar Zenith Angle From Satellite (Dimensionless)
Cosine Solar Zenith Angle From Astronomy (center of 3 hour period)
Langley Parameterized Algorithms
(07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)
A detailed description of data (and data format) contained in
these files is available in the readme file associated with each data file.

Additional parameters can be calculated using data contained in these files.

Surface Downward Longwave Flux (W/m2) (1) 3 hourly
(2) Daily averages
(3) Monthly averages
(4) 3 hourly/monthly
Surface Net Longwave Flux (W/m2)
Surface Longwave Cloud Radiative Forcing (W/m2)
SRB_REL3.0_LPLA_MONTHLY_NC (07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)

A detailed description of data (and data format) contained in these files is available in the readme file associated with each data file.

Surface Skin Temperature (K) Monthly averages
Total Column Precipitable Water (kg/m2)
Total Cloud Amount (%)
(07/01/1983 – 12/31/2007)
A detailed description of data (and data format) contained in these files is available in the readme file associated with each data file.

Additional parameters can be calculated using data contained in these files.

TOA insolation (W/m2) (1) Daily averages
(2) Monthly Averages
Pristine-sky Surface Downward Shortwave Flux (Surface Insolation without aerosols or clouds)(W/m2)
Clear-Sky Surface Downward Shortwave Flux (Clear-Sky Surface Insolation) (W/m2)
All-Sky Surface Downward Shortwave Flux (All-Sky Surface Insolation) (W/m2)
Surface Absorbed Shortwave Flux (Surface Net SW Flux) (W/m2)
All-sky surface albedo (fraction)
Ancillary Data
Surface Topography topography on nested grid
topography on 1 deg grid
Surface Type (IGBP def) surface type on nested grid
surface type on 1 deg grid

SRB Grid Geometry

The horizontal resolution of the NASA/GEWEX SRB parameters is, to a large degree, dictated by the resolution of the input data to the SRB models. The resulting SRB parameters are generated and available on a nested global grid, which contains 44016 cells. The initial grid has a resolution of 1° latitude globally, and a longitudinal resolution ranging from 1° in the tropics and subtropics to 120° at the poles. The first cell is bounded in latitude from 89°-90° South and by longitude from 0°-120° East. The cells start at the Greenwich meridian and proceed east around the globe, then shift one degree to the north. The number of cells per latitude band starting at the south pole are:

           3,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,
          90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,
         180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180,
         180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180,
         180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 360,
         360, 360, 360, 360, 360, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180,
         180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180,
         180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180, 180,
          90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,  90,
          45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,  45,   3

The read software provided with each binary data file contains a subroutine to regrid the SRB parameters to a true 1° latitude by 1° longitude grid using replication at higher latitudes where the number of SRB cells per latitude band is less than 360. NetCDF data files present the data already converted to the 1° equal angle grid.